"A story with a life of its own"
It focuses on changing the learning structures that can be observed in new generations that are early exposed to the use of digital technologies and generate new ways to acquire skills, manage information and build new learning, as it allows them to increase the levels of territorial and social acceptance of the participants and achieve meaningful learning.
Our project reorganizes the basics of audiovisual language, with these new tools of permanent access to information and collective construction of knowledge and the manifestation of digital devices, there is no reason to think that learning this restricted, there are new opportunities to integrate the task of learning with everyday life, with the mass media, culture, the arts, research, reading and writing that enable audiovisual production where children and adolescents can reinforce their imaginaries and change their levels of coexistence.
Artistic creation is a mechanism designed by the human being and is born of the need to express, communicate and share feelings and analyses based on the reality of each being, these manifestations are made in different ways, in this case, we will work with the members of the audiovisual and literary language, which brings together in an interdisciplinary way all artistic expressions, in this way, the subject manages to understand the importance of the image in society, its characteristics, its narrative structures, its narrative structures characters and the importance of aesthetic purposes to a specific audience.
The training process of this project AUDIOVISUAL LABORATORIES, comprises four blocks mainly reading, writing, research and audiovisual realization. Children learn from reading and classical structure to a literary film script. They know and identify the three narrative acts and understand the different components of the structure, in order to apply the knowledge in a script where they tell their stories. Our interest is to make the attendees enjoy creating through writing and developing pieces with social content and emotion. And that they are also self-sufficient creators who manage to write and postulate projects in various competitions, with the aim of forming new authors trained to narrate credible and emotional stories that enrich the national production. The methodology is practical and experiential, where through learning by making the participants achieve their objectives. These relate to the production of texts, transform them and convert them to other artistic language (Plastic and Audiovisual) using ICT as a not only technical element but as a contemporary language to critically express a position and a reflection around the city and its importance in the local context.